In January, our church divided up the children's ministries even more
by providing an 11-13 year old Sunday School class for boys and one for girls.
I was very excited to teach the girl's class.
We have been studying -
Who is God?
Who is Jesus?
What about Heaven and Hell?
What is sin?
- by studying through the New Testament.
This young lady is one, of a number of girls,
who have accepted Christ as Saviour after one of our Sunday School classes.
Many times, attendance reaches over 42 girls in this small classroom space.
Like in April, when we used up every chair
and had to use some small benches to seat everyone.
Every week of April, I had to stand against the wall in a corner to teach
We currently have over 15 girls enrolled in the Bible Reading program. Some have read over 10 chapters in Matthew and have answered questions on what they have read.
In 2015, we are working on the whole class memorizing Psalm1.
During the month of April, I challenged them to memorize Proverbs 31:10-31.
Over half of the girls memorized part of it,
with 4 grils having all 23 verses memorized in just 4 short weeks!!!
Praise the Lord for girls who want to hide God's Word in their hearts!