Welcome friends, old and new, known and unknown! It has been my desire to share with you how the Lord is working in my life as I serve the Lord on the mission field of Kabwe, Zambia. There is an old black and white movie called The African Queen. It is about a boat that travels down river. This blog is not about a boat. It is however, about my travels on the mission field of Kabwe, Zambia. By the way, did you know that my name means queen. For many years I have been burdened for souls in Africa. That is why some of my friends call me African Queen.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Days of Thanksgiving pt1

We all have so much to be thankful for.  In a day when the local stores go from Halloween decor and right into Christmas, we need a day for Giving Thanks to God more than anything else.  Who has given each of us bodies to put clothe on and food into, air to breath, sounds to hear, the gift of salvation to all who call upon Him - GOD!!!  
Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."
Fall is my favorite time of year.  Mostly, I love the colors of Fall.  The crisp cool air, smell of the leaves, bonfires, wagon rides, trips to the cabin with family, and all of the tasty treats are things I look forward to this time of year.  God has blessed my life in so many ways.  You know, it is easy for each of us to forget all that He has done for us.  Sometimes I find myself saying, "Lord, why can't my life be like that person's?"  or "Why haven't you blessed me with __________? (fill in the blank).  My Lord, then lovingly reminds me that His way is best.  What a thought!  I have the best of everything, because I following God's way.